I tried to recreate my favorite shooting game in VR Funhouse and started understanding the logic behind the game. Showing some purple & pinky pics first✨️:
The shooting game in VR Funhouse includes three aspects that I am most intrigued by: (1) unlimited shoots (2) bullet holes that make shooting realistic (3)objects flying out to shoot in the sky.

So first, I grabbed some toys from Quixel Bridge as my shooting target, added a grab component, and learned how to add collision after hanging around in the VR template and comparing between some blueprints. Then, I encountered a problem when creating the bullet holes effect: the holes material can only show on the wall/floor instead of my targets as well as the existing cubes and spheres from the VR template.
I still haven’t figure out this part but use another way instead: explosion and sounds when hitting the targets. (My original thought was explosion + sound effect + thrice Chaos Destruction)
After fixing all the problems I started to recreate (3)objects flying out to shoot in the sky. Firstly I tried a bunch of different ways using blueprints (following tutorials in UE4 try to replicate into UE5), thinking that it might be similar to the projectile (but didn’t find the correct componenet then) or I can add an oposite direction on BP_Spawner created in class. During the process I even gave up and try to change the gravity to mimic the effect, but finally figured out it is the ‘ProjectileMovement’ which I missed. And make them work with explosion.
Add some light blinkers and figured out the math at the end 🤯️🌝️
Can’t remember all the turning point at the end of the day but VR is so fun and I’m glad I get closer to some blueprint logics😎️.