HAVEN is an experiemental film that explores the encapsulation of various human emotions, with a special focus on the journey through anxiety toward self-reconciliation. With its overall structure based on Plato’s cave allegory and theories taken from Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche, it seeks to disclose the personal, unseen inner struggle that many people have experienced at some points of their lives.
The self in HAVEN is depicted in an architectural manner: it is not only the mind, nor the body, but the mixture of both, along with all the dynamics both inside and outside. I would like to impress this idea upon viewers, hence I decided to utilize mixed reality technology. Through an experience devoid of wearable constraints, my goal is to expand the possibility of creating an atmosphere that blurs the line between the viewer and the subject.
Furthermore, since my theme surrounds the issue of anxiety and the achieving of self-reconciliation and inner peace through reflection, I would like to lead the audience through this journey through symbols, shades of colors, and sounds that create resonation at every stage of this journey.