Tailored Swift (UX Design App)

This project is designed for users to easily organize their wardrobe and create daily outfits uniquely for them with considerations to the weather and occasions. The app is equipped with automatic and accurate algorithms to create relevant outfits for users according to their demands, while featuring a tailored virtual model of the user to display the looks.

ArtScene (VR)

This VR ArtScene Project was designed to resolve the difficulties in cultural inheritance, for easy public understanding of art historical data and archives, and to facilitate access to art knowledge methodically.

孤獨 SyZyGy (VI Design)

Since the 1980s, Paul’s Braised Food has been delivering some awesome braised food products. Known as the purveyor of the most mysterious braised food of Kaohsiung’s nightlife, Paul has collaborated with local bars and concocted various braised food to complement different alcoholic beverages. This summer, after more than three decades as a mobile vendor, Paul has decided to open his own braised food and bar.

Humpty Bumpty (Physical Computing)

Snap your fingers, tap your feet, swing your bum. Humpty Bumpty is an interactive music-making tool that invites multiple players to join in with the fun. Let your body move to the music, and move the music with your body.

MADE, BELIEVED (3D Animation)

A virtual that becomes reality, and a reality that becomes virtual. In the world of made-believed, you can be whatever you desire, if they are truly your desire...

City of in/visible (Collage)

A city that never closes its eyes; A city that dwells in prying. This project aims to bring out the question of how surveillance determines individual societal behavior; how our autonomy may be altered by what we can and cannot see.

CoursePerfect (UX Design App)

Designed to assist students in deciding what modules to take, and to take them well. Featuring course schedules and a rating system, with a profile page to enhance social interaction.

Abra-Collabra (Prototyping)

How can interaction improve, support, and inform creative collaboration?